Hagara the Stormbinder

The fight against Hagara is made up of 3 phases: Main Phase, Ice Phase,Lightning Phase. The Main Phase lasts 50 seconds and is followed by either theIce Phase or the Lightning Phase. The fight goes back to the Main Phaseas soon as your raid has finished dealing with the Ice Phase or theLightning Phase. The Ice Phase and the Lightning Phase alternate in such a waythat a fight will usually look like this:

  • Main Phase with a shortened duration of approximately 30 seconds;
  • Ice Phase or Lightning Phase (depending on the visual effect on Hagara's weapon before the pull);
  • Main Phase;
  • Lightning Phase or Ice Phase;
  • Main Phase
  • Ice Phase or Lightning Phase;
  • Main Phase;
  • Lightning Phase or Ice Phase;
  • ...

To determine whether you will get an Ice Phase or a Lightning Phasefirst, simply look at the visual effect on Hagara's weapon before thepull (it will either be a frost effect or a lightning effect).

Each phase will require your raid to properly deal with positioningconstraints or to move in a synchronised fashion:

  • The Main Phase will require members of your ranged group toposition themselves in such a way that they prevent missiles from reaching themelee group, all the while freeing players who get encased in Ice Tombs.
  • The Ice Phase will require your raid to run in a clockwise fashion on theedge of the platform to keep damaging Ice Waves at a safe distance. Iciclesfalling on the platform also need to be avoided. At the sametime, DPS players will need to destroy the crystals that protect the boss.
  • The Lighting Phase will require your raid to create a chain of playersto propagate lightning in order to disable several objects that protect theboss.

Main Phase

The Main Phase is a tank and spank phase. The boss should be kept in the middle ofthe room and be damaged as much as possible. The ranged group must also dealwith a few abilities that mostly require proper positioning and good reactiontime.

After 50 seconds, the Main Phase ends and an Ice Phase or a LightningPhase starts.


During this phase, Hagara will use the following abilities.

  • She has a melee attack that she uses every 2 seconds. Because she also  spends a lot of time casting her various abilities, she ends up using her  melee attack every 5-6 seconds in average. It deals moderate damage to  the tank and should not pose any problem.
  • Dragon Soul - Hagara - Ice TombIce Tomb is cast once per Main Phase (usually 10 seconds into the   phase). This ability, which is absent in LFR difficulty, encases 2   random players (but never the tank) in 10-man difficulty and 5 in 25-man   difficulty in Ice Tombs. These tombs need to be destroyed before the encased players   can regain control of their characters. As soon as the ability is cast,   targeted players are marked with a blue arrow on top of their head and 7   seconds later, they are frozen. Ice Tomb deals approximately 7,000 damage   damage per second to encased players. The ability does not chain to nearby players.
  • Focused Assault is the same in all difficulties and is cast   every 15 seconds. This ability is channeled for 5 seconds and causes   Hagara to attack in front of her for 50% of her normal melee damage every   0.5 second. While she does this, Hagara remains stationary so the tankcan easily move away from her.
  • Shattered Ice is always cast either right before or right after   Focused Assault. This ability, which targets one random player, slows down   movement for 4 seconds and deals 78,000 Frost damage in 10-man difficulty,   100,000 in 25-man difficulty, and 65,000 in LFR difficulty.
  • Dragon Soul - Hagara - Ice Lance Ice Lance is cast twice per Main Phase. Every time, it summons 3 crystals.   Each of these crystals fixates on a random player and for 15 seconds   send one missile per second towards this player (so 15 missiles in total).   When a missile reaches its target or another player on the path to its target,   it explodes and inflicts Frost damage to every player in a 3 yard radius   (15,000 in 10-man   difficulty, 20,000 in 25-man difficulty, and 13,000 in LFR). In 10-man and   25-man difficulty, it also reduces the attack speed (but not the   casting speed) of whoever gets damaged by 25%.

4.2. Strategy

Once you understand precisely what the abilities do, the strategy is simple andcan be summed up in the four following points:

  • When Hagara is using Focused Assault, the tank should back away fromher (either by walking back, or strafing backwards). This will minimise thedamage that the tank takes, as the boss is slow to catch up and must break herchannel to do so. Make sure that the tank does not turn their back to Hagara,however.
  • Healers should be especially wary of the damage done by Shattered Iceas it can easily one-shot someone who has previously been damaged by Ice Lance.
  • Shattered Ice can be warded with Dark Simulacrum, which givesthe Death Knight who casts it a nice amount of extra damage.
  • DPS need to free players trapped by Ice Tomb. Note that this doesnot apply to LFR difficulty, as Ice Tomb is absent from this level ofdifficulty.
  • Dragon Soul - Hagara - Binding CrystalsWhen a melee player is targeted by Ice Lance, a ranged DPS or a healerneeds to step in the path of the missiles so that they do not reach thetargeted player. The reason for doing this is two-fold. First, as the missilesdeal proximity damage (3 yard) upon reaching their target, letting them reacha melee player will deal damage to the entire melee group. Second, in 10-manand 25-man difficulties, if melee players are hit by the missiles, their DPSwill suffer from the attack speed reduction that they will receive. A targetedmelee player could move out of the melee group but they would be unable tocontinue attacking the boss whereas the ranged player who soaks can continueperforming their duties.

5. Ice Phase

50 seconds into a Main Phase (if this Main Phase was preceded by a LightningPhase), Hagara will enter an Ice Phase. Hagara casts Water Shield onherself, which causes her to remain stationary and immune to all damage untilthe raid has successfully completed the phase.

   Dragon Soul - Hagara - Binding CrystalsDuring the Ice Phase, the raid will be chased around the platform by verydeadly Ice Waves. While running to avoid the waves and the Icicles that fallfrom the sky, the raid will need to destroy 4 Frozen Binding Crystals by attackingthem whenever possible.

When all 4 crystals are destroyed, the Water Shield protecting Hagara isremoved and she is debuffed with Feedback, which, for 15 seconds,causes her to be stunned and take 100% increased damage. The Main Phase restartswhen the debuff drops off Hagara.

5.1. Abilities

During the Ice Phase, your raid will be faced with the followingabilities:

  • Dragon Soul - Hagara - Watery Entrenchment Watery Entrenchment prevents players from entering the center of the  platform as doing so is very deadly (15% health lost every second and movement  speed reduced by 50%). This Watery Entrenchment is created a few seconds into  the Ice Phase, giving players time to move to the edge of the platform.
  • Dragon Soul - Hagara - Ice WaveIce Wave summons 4 Ice Waves a few seconds after the entrenchment is  created. Each of these waves extends from the boss to the edge of the platform  and move in a clockwise manner around the platform at a speed slightly slower  than a player's base running speed. Being hit by a wave  is extremely deadly as it causes 200,000 Frost damage in both 10-man and  25-man difficulties and 130,000 Frost damage in LFR difficulty, in  addition to increasing Frost damage taken by 50% for 2.5 seconds.
  • Dragon Soul - Hagara - Icicle Icicle causes Icicles to regularly fall from the sky  onto the outer part of the platform. Icicles come by waves, each wave consisting of  about 10 Icicles and coming 15-20 seconds after the previous wave. A visual  effect marks the location where an Icicle is  going to fall. After 4 seconds, the visual effect disappears and 1 second  later, the Icicle hits the ground, damaging everyone within a 7-yard radius  (the area previously marked with the visual effect) for 100,000 damage  in both 10-man and 25-man difficulty. In LFR difficulty, this ability is  absent.

5.2. Strategy

Dragon Soul - Hagara - Ice PhaseJust like with the Main Phase, the strategy for the Ice Phase is simple,once the abilities are properly understood. The simple tasks that raid memberswill need to perform during this phase are the following (see the image on theright for a visual overview):

  • Move clockwise so that you stay between two Ice Waves. Getting hit bythem is very deadly, so make sure to remain at a safe distance. The visualeffect for the Ice Waves can be misleading, as you can be hit even ifthe visual effect does not reach you, so be careful.
  • Whenever you can, attack the Frozen Binding Crystals. Always keepan eye on the Ice Wave chasing you when you attack a crystal, as it is easyto get carried away and lose track of their exact position.
  • In 10-man and 25-man difficulties, you also need to keep an eyeon the falling Icicles and move out of the areas where they are going tohit the ground.

To give you an idea, it should take no more than 2 turns around the platformto destroy all 4 Frozen Binding Crystals.

During this phase, healers should have only heal the occasional damagefrom falling Icicles. Should a player manage to survive being hit by an IceWave, they should be healed quickly before they take damage again.

6. Lightning Phase

50 seconds into a Main Phase (if this Main Phase was preceded by an IcePhase), Hagara will enter a Lightning Phase. When this happens, Hagara casts Water Shield on herself, which causes her to remain stationary and immuneto all damage until the raid has successfully completed the phase.

Dragon Soul - Hagara - Conductor CrystalsDuring the Lightning Phase, the raid will have to overload the 4 Crystal Conductors that protect Hagara. Players need to formchains so that lightning propagates through them, eventually reachingthe conductors and overloading them.

When all 4 conductors are overloaded, the Water Shield protecting Hagara isremoved and she is debuffed with Feedback, which, for 15 seconds,causes her to be stunned and take 100% increased damage. The Main Phase restartswhen the debuff drops off Hagara.

6.1. Abilities

Dragon Soul - Hagara - Bound Lightning ElementalDuring the Lightning Phase, the raid will be faced with a Bound Lightning Elemental, whose death causes the overload of anearby conductor, which the raid then uses as a source for propagatinglightning to the other conductors. There are three things to note aboutthis Elemental:

  • it always spawns at the same place, near the entrance portal;
  • it should be picked by the tank;
  • it performs a weak melee on its current target every 2 seconds.

Also, the raid will take constant damage from Lightning Storm.Every 2-3 seconds, this ability hits 3/4 random players in 10-man difficultyand 7/8 players in 25-man and LFR difficulties. Each player takes 15,000Nature damage in 10-man difficulty, 17,500 in 25-man difficulty, andabout 10,000 in LFR difficulty. Every time a player is hit by Lightning Storm,they receive a stack of a debuff that increases Nature damage taken by5% per stack.

6.2. Strategy

Just as with the other two phases, the main difficulty of this phase residesin understanding what the abilities do. Then, the strategy is simple.

As the phase begins, a Bound Lightning Elemental spawns and needs tobe picked up by the tank. This add must then be brought next to 1 of the4 Crystal Conductors and killed. This will cause the chosen CrystalConductor to become overloaded.

 Dragon Soul - Hagara - Lightning ChainFrom this point on, your raid will propagate the lightning emitted by theoverloaded Crystal Conductor to another Crystal Conductor. This will cause theother Crystal Conductor to also become overloaded. To do so, the players fromthe raid need to create a chain to propagate lightning from the overloadedCrystal Conductor to the other Crystal Conductor. Once this is done, the newlyoverloaded Crystal Conductor can be used as the source of a new chain that willoverload one the remaining, non-overloaded Crystal Conductors.

As you can see from the screenshots, the chain does not need to be perfect.The maximal range for lightning propagation seems to be around 10 yards. If,somewhere in the chain, the distance between two consecutive players go overthe maximal range, a few seconds will elapse before the end of the chain losesthe lightning, giving enough time for overloading the targeted Crystal Conductorbefore the lightning runs out.

6.3. Tips

Because Lightning Storm cause players to take increased Nature damage inthis phase, healers will have to face increasingly heavy damage. To alleviate this, the raid shouldswitch to Nature resistance during this phase by using either of Aspect of the Wild froma Hunter and Elemental Resistance Totem or Healing Stream Totem (improvedwith Glyph of Healing Stream Totem) from a Shaman.

Mages (Ice Block), Paladins (Divine Shield) and Rogues (Cloak of Shadows) can and should remove their stacks of Lightning Storm when they start taking too much damage.

With a bit of practice, you can divide your raid in 2 groups that will gooverload the crystals around the platform in opposite directions. This allowsthe raid to spend less time in the Lightning Phase (and therefore takeless damage from Lightning Storm).

7. When to Use Bloodlust, Heroism, or Time Warp?

Bloodlust, Heroism, or Time Warp should be used at the endof an Ice Phase or a Lightning Phase, so as to benefit from the 100% increaseddamage that the boss takes for 15 seconds.

8. Learning the Fight

The execution of the fight does not require much practice as the raid is notfaced with overly complex tasks. The only part that may pose problems is theoverloading of the 4 Crystal Conductors in the Lightning Phase.

Regarding these Crystal Conductors, it is important to note that Water Shield has a duration of 300 seconds, which probably means that theraid has 300 seconds to complete the Lightning Phase. So there is ample time topractice overloading the Crystal Conductors, as long as the raid cansurvive the increasing damage from Lightning Storm.


Zdroj: www.tauri-veins.tk/hagara-the-stormbinder-detailed-strategy